Inova Children’s Hospital

Health Systems Inova

Inova Children’s Hospital


3300 Gallows Rd.
Falls Church, VA


Total Sex Change Patients

info icon Total unique children who underwent gender-affirming procedures or hormone/puberty blocker therapy.

Total Surgery Patients

info icon Total unique children who underwent gender-affirming surgical procedures.

Total Hormone and Puberty Blocker Patients

info icon Total unique children who were prescribed puberty blockers or received gender-affirming hormone therapy.

Total Prescriptions Written

info icon Total number of scripts for puberty blockers or gender-affirming hormones.

Total Submitted Charges

info icon Total amount submitted by providers or pharmacies to insurance for services, treatments, or prescriptions, before any reviews or adjustments. Includes medical procedures and prescription charges but may not reflect the final amount after negotiations.

Inova Children’s Hospital is part of the Inova Health Care Services network, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit health network. In June 2022, Inova opened its Inova Pride Clinic, where it offers sex change treatments for patients as young as 12 years old. Advertised services for children include mental health care, genital exams, puberty blockers, and hormone therapy. Claims data confirms that Inova Children’s Hospital billed for hormone therapy for hormone therapy and sex change surgeries for minors. 

For more information on the specific procedure and diagnostic codes and other methodology used to make these determination, read our white paper here.

Key Findings

Upon the Inova Pride Clinic’s opening in June 2022, Inova President J. Stephen Jones stated that “the need is obvious” for “gender-affirming care.” The clinic is led by Dr. Jorge Ramallo. The clinic takes “patients as young as 12 years old” and in its “first few weeks of opening” had “about 50 patients.”

The clinic also indicated that it had hopes of expanding and already received “a lot of interests from sub specialties who want to come and do clinics at the Pride location.”

Inova considers its sex change treatments to be “chronic care.” According to a questionnaire provided to Equality Loudoun, the Pride Clinic offers children under 14 “gender exams,” “puberty inhibitors or blockers,” and “hormone therapy,” among others.

Inova offers within its Health Library resources such as Gender Identity: Medical Transitioning, Transgender: Staying Healthy, Gender Identity: Social Transitioning, LGBTQIA+ Health, Overcoming Gender Identity Harassment, and Bullies: Helping Your Child Cope.

Inova appears to have removed a news article titled, “The Age When People Seek Help For Gender Dysphoria Is Falling,” from its Health Library. The article details a study attempting to explain the growth of gender dysphoria among young people, particularly among individuals assigned female at birth.

Inova maintains a 90 score on The Human Rights Campaign’s Healthcare Equality Index.

Sex Change Treatments Offered

Inova Pride Clinic

Inova offers sex change treatments through its Inova Pride Clinic. It takes patients as young as 12 years old and offers “counseling for gender identity and sexuality.” Among the services Inova provides, it considers its sex change treatments to be “chronic care.”

According to a questionnaire provided to Equality Loudoun, sex change treatments offered include:
  • Gender exams
  • Puberty inhibitors or blockers
  • Hormone therapy

Health Library

Inova offers the following resources in its “Health Library” database.

Gender Identity: Medical Transitioning: Transitioning is when a transgender (trans) person starts to live openly as the gender they self-identify as, not the sex they were assigned at birth. Transitioning is a very personal decision. There are many options for transitioning. And the process can look very different for each person. Some people choose to change the way they dress or wear their hair. Or they may change their name and the pronouns they prefer. This is called social transitioning…”

Transgender: Staying Healthy: No matter your gender identity, your health is important. And you can do a lot to make sure you stay healthy. Just like cisgender people—those who identify with the sex they were assigned at birth—you’ll benefit from screenings and vaccines. But you also have unique healthcare needs…”

Gender Identity: Social Transitioning: Every person has a gender identity. For many people, their gender identity matches the sex they were assigned at birth. But for people who are transgender (trans), their gender identity is different than the one they were given at birth. Social transitioning is a way that some trans people choose to live openly as the gender they self-identify with…”

LGBTQIA+ Health: People of any sexual orientation or gender identity can face health problems. LGBTQIA+ people may be at a greater risk for health problems. This is because they may not always see a healthcare provider when they need to. Or they may not know any providers who understand the LGBTQIA+ community. It may be that they feel embarrassed, have had a bad experience, and fear judgment. Or they may have a provider who is uninformed. In addition, state laws vary on care that a LGBTQIA+ person may receive. Some states have passed laws limiting or preventing medical care for transgender youth…”

Overcoming Gender Identity Harassment: Being lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, non-binary, gender queer, or questioning, or other (LGBTQIA+) often means having to deal with prejudice and harassment from childhood on…”

Bullies: Helping Your Child Cope: Bullying can happen in school, on the playground, and places where adults aren’t around. Now bullying can even happen through texting or online through social media sites, apps, and gaming platforms. This is called cyberbullying. Bullying is intentional tormenting that can be physical, verbal, social, or psychological. Hitting, shoving, threatening, shunning, and spreading rumors can all be forms of bullying. Generally, children who are being bullied are either weaker or smaller. Kids at higher risk of bullying include those with disabilities or other special healthcare needs and those who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. Kids who are bullied can become depressed, develop low self-esteem, avoid school, feel physically ill, and even think about killing themselves.”



SEX CHANGE PATIENTS: Total unique children who underwent “gender-affirming” surgical procedures or hormone/puberty blocker therapy.

TOTAL SURGERY PATIENTS: Total unique children who underwent “gender-affirming” surgical procedures.

TOTAL HORMONE AND PUBERTY BLOCKERS PATIENTS: Total unique children who were prescribed puberty blockers or received gender-affirming hormone therapy.

TOTAL PRESCRIPTIONS WRITTEN: Total number of prescriptions written by a provider for puberty blockers or gender-affirming hormones for children.

TOTAL SUBMITTED CHARGES: This is the initial amount a healthcare provider or pharmacy submits to the insurance company for a specific service, treatment, or prescription before the insurance company reviews and adjusts the payment. This value includes both the pharmacy-submitted cost of prescription drug claims and the line-item charges associated with medical procedures. Please note that this amount does not necessarily reflect the full cost of the procedure or prescription, as it is subject to adjustments and negotiations by the insurance company.


Executive Leadership

Name Title Compensation
J. Stephen Jones, MD, FACS President & CEO $5,303,697
John J. Moynihan, MD, FACS Acting Chief, Clinical Enterprise President, Inova Surgical Services $1,260,787
Steve Narang, MD, MHCM President, Inova Fairfax Medical Campus and President, Pediatric Service Line $1,689,937
Maureen Sintich, DNP, MBA, RN, WHNP-BC, NEA-BC Chief Nurse Executive N/A

The current leadership/titles are based on the Inova leadership website, but the compensation information is from Inova 2022 Form 990, filed 11/1/23.

Compensation reflects the tax year beginning July 1, 2021, and ending June 30, 2022.

Board of Trustees

Name Title Compensation
Nazzic Keene Chairperson N/A

The current leadership/titles are based on the INOVA board of directors website, but the compensation information is from Inova, 2022 Form 990, filed 11/1/23.

Compensation reflects tax year beginning July 1, 2021, and ending June 30, 2022.

In the News

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The Age When People Seek Help for Gender Dysphoria Is…


The article writes about a study attempting to explain the growth of gender dysphoria amongst young people, particularly among individuals…

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The Washington Post

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Human Rights Campaign

INOVA Fairfax Hospital


INOVA maintains a 90 score on The Human Rights Campaign’s Healthcare Equality Index.

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