Children’s Hospital of Michigan

Health Systems VHS of Michigan

Children’s Hospital of Michigan


3901 Beaubien Blvd.
Detroit, MI


Total Sex Change Patients

info icon Total unique children who underwent gender-affirming procedures or hormone/puberty blocker therapy.

Total Surgery Patients

info icon Total unique children who underwent gender-affirming surgical procedures.

Total Hormone and Puberty Blocker Patients

info icon Total unique children who were prescribed puberty blockers or received gender-affirming hormone therapy.

Total Prescriptions Written

info icon Total number of scripts for puberty blockers or gender-affirming hormones.

Total Submitted Charges

info icon Total amount submitted by providers or pharmacies to insurance for services, treatments, or prescriptions, before any reviews or adjustments. Includes medical procedures and prescription charges but may not reflect the final amount after negotiations.

Children’s Hospital of Michigan is a for-profit hospital that is part of the Detroit Medical Center and located in Detroit, Michigan. The hospital does not advertise sex change interventions to children. However, claims data shows that the hospital has billed for hormone therapy for minors.

For more information on the specific procedure and diagnostic codes and other methodology used to make these determination, read our white paper here.

Key Findings

Children’s Hospital of Michigan does not advertise sex change interventions for children.

In April 2023, CHM Pediatric Urologist Kristina Suson tweeted: “Dr. Meier finished us strong with a compelling case of a peri pubertal patient with metastatic mixed non-seminoma GCT, raising questions about potential of PET to help inform therapy and incidence of testis ca in patients who transition. Great work!”

What sex change treatments do they provide?

No information could be found. A search for “transgender” on the Children’s Hospital of Michigan website returned no results.



SEX CHANGE PATIENTS: Total unique children who underwent “gender-affirming” surgical procedures or hormone/puberty blocker therapy.

TOTAL SURGERY PATIENTS: Total unique children who underwent “gender-affirming” surgical procedures.

TOTAL HORMONE AND PUBERTY BLOCKERS PATIENTS: Total unique children who were prescribed puberty blockers or received gender-affirming hormone therapy.

TOTAL PRESCRIPTIONS WRITTEN: Total number of prescriptions written by a provider for puberty blockers or gender-affirming hormones for children.

TOTAL SUBMITTED CHARGES: This is the initial amount a healthcare provider or pharmacy submits to the insurance company for a specific service, treatment, or prescription before the insurance company reviews and adjusts the payment. This value includes both the pharmacy-submitted cost of prescription drug claims and the line-item charges associated with medical procedures. Please note that this amount does not necessarily reflect the full cost of the procedure or prescription, as it is subject to adjustments and negotiations by the insurance company.


Executive Leadership

Name Title Compensation
Archie Drake Chief Executive Officer, CHM N/A
Brittany Lavis Group Chief Executive Officer N/A
Rudolph P. Valentini, MD Group Chief Medical Officer N/A
Ron Sagritalo Chief Compliance Officer N/A

The current leadership/titles are based on the Detroit Medical Center website.

Board of Trustees

Name Title Compensation
Karry Roberts Member Board Of Trustees N/A

No further information about CHM’s Board of Trustees could be found.